Registration for virtual participants

Please pre-register for the workshop now.There is no selection process for virtual attendance. All persons registered for virtual attendance may participate. You will, however, be required to confirm your participation in November through our web site. Information will be given in due time. Download the provisional program to find out what sessions will be valid for virtual participants.

Application requirements for on-site participants

  • Complete the application form on the pre-registration page
  • Upload your CV and motivation letter indicating your preferred session(s) and training path(s)

Below, you will find the list of the practical sessions (Table 1). Several sessions are organized in 4 training paths (Table 2). Each pathway requires different skills (see Table 3). See also the provisional program

Table 1 Image.png


Table 2Image.png


Table 3Image.png


Pre-registration date deadline: October 1, 2024 

Selection Criteria:

The applicant selection will be made by the workshop Scientific Committee (composed of representative members of WP4, WP5 and WP6, workpackages of the EuroFAANG, based on: 

  • Match of previous experience and field of research interest to the proposed training program
  • European geographical distribution of participants 
  • optimal gender ratio

The final selection will be communicated by October 30, 2024.